Tuesday 22 April 2014

Unit 8 Task 2 Submission

Link to Powerpoint - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0Mi2vFkLL0pLWNrbGU0LXhGdHc/edit?usp=sharing

Friday 18 April 2014

Music Video Essay Re-Submission

Nothing changed, but the highlighted section at the end is new. (About the purpose of music videos)

- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0Mi2vFkLL0pUUZFQThYRzB6Z1U/edit?usp=sharing

Sunday 13 April 2014

My Role Week 3 - 31.03.14 The Cloud News

Group: Briana, Nathan, Emily, Alice
Role: Host

For Briana's group, my role was the host. I dressed accordingly and wore a suit and shirt. A blazer wasn't required as I was going for more of the Channel 4 look, with sleeves rolled up. I was presented with the script a few weeks prior however on the day a couple of stories were added including one that I couldn't know until we started recording. To prepare for this, I checked the script before hand and practised saying the lines on an autocue. I also liaised with the main group members.

When we entered the TV studio, I helped the others to set up as well as sitting in the desk so that the camera's can be adjusted (height of the camera, focus, lighting e.t.c) As I was host, there wasn't a lot I could do until rehearsals but I read through the script and made some spelling/grammar changed which were to be tweaked for the autocue. I had my microphone on which was changed after the sound check as it wasn't working well. We had three rehearsals with the last one going better. I thought the whole show went well however the speed of the auto cue at times was off putting. When I had the breaking news for the main story I had to look around in shock. The auto cue went on a bit long whilst it said "host looks around....." and as it was live I couldn't tell them to go faster.

I felt comfortable during the rehearsals and main recording. The main recording went well and I was happy with the final result (although I haven't seen the recorded version).