Tuesday 17 December 2013

Music Video Comparison

Sam and Toms
·      Crossfading
·      Slider Shots
·      Nice Pacing

·      Clip Overlay
·      Walking in front of a wide shot (Southend Pier)
·      Good story, tells it like a ‘day’

·      Non static shots
·      Different shot angles
·      Macro Shot

Charlie, Emily, Alice
·      Interior/Exterior Shots
·      Good location
·      Different Speeds/Stutter Effects

·      Good pacing
·      Good story
·      Location and time of filming (sunset) good

·      Good speeded up bits
·      Good chemistry between actors
·      Good angles

Harrison and Becky
·      Good location
·      Nice choreography

·      Nice shots

I think that all the music videos were good. I think that I used a good location and story and it came out well. I would use other people's lighting skills such as the sun setting as I thought this came out well. I would also some of their effects i.e. speeding up/down.

Monday 9 December 2013

TV Studio - First Term Evaluation

The job roles that I have taken are producer, director, floor manager and camera man. The responsibilities of a producer is to make sure that everything is organised and running smoothly, the responsibility of a director is to make sure that things are looking okay and that people know what they are saying and doing; the floor manager has to make sure that everyone is safe and the camera man has to make sure the camera's are out, set up and are working. My job roles mainly involved me using a camera and also tape, to tape down the wires. I prefer the role of the producer, in which I also felt this was my most effective. I can go to everyone and make sure that they are included and also stay calm where a situation might become stressful. I felt that I was least effective at the floor manager as I was temped to rush the taping down the wires as I didn't really find it interesting.

I participated in a Jeremy Kyle style show and also 3 quiz shows and a talk show. We used the basic conventions of each, a quiz show having question, teams, a scoring system and contestants. For the chat show and also Jeremy Kyle show, we took a more relaxed approach to this and didn't have it as formal. We still stuck to two different panels and a main host. All of these shows would be shot on multi-camera as it would be boring just with one camera shot. We had 3 camera's so normally we would have one on the host and the two others on the teams. It they were on single camera, they would see everything in one which wouldn't be as good. I think all of the shows came out well and that we worked good in a team. Each person stuck to their job role throughout.

Not all of the shows were factual as a lot of things were staged, particularly on the Jeremy Kyle show as our actors weren't in situations like that! The quiz shows were not really stages. Contestants knew the layout before as we had a rehearsal however they didn't know the actual questions until the main recording. If it was an actual recording, I think that the audience would know that the Jeremy Kyle one was staged however I think they would know that the quiz show ones wasn't as the contestants hesitated. The shows kept their contract with the viewer and kept the usual standard that is expected from the production. This is the host being separate from the contestants. 

Monday 2 December 2013