Tuesday 17 December 2013

Music Video Comparison

Sam and Toms
·      Crossfading
·      Slider Shots
·      Nice Pacing

·      Clip Overlay
·      Walking in front of a wide shot (Southend Pier)
·      Good story, tells it like a ‘day’

·      Non static shots
·      Different shot angles
·      Macro Shot

Charlie, Emily, Alice
·      Interior/Exterior Shots
·      Good location
·      Different Speeds/Stutter Effects

·      Good pacing
·      Good story
·      Location and time of filming (sunset) good

·      Good speeded up bits
·      Good chemistry between actors
·      Good angles

Harrison and Becky
·      Good location
·      Nice choreography

·      Nice shots

I think that all the music videos were good. I think that I used a good location and story and it came out well. I would use other people's lighting skills such as the sun setting as I thought this came out well. I would also some of their effects i.e. speeding up/down.

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