Monday 6 January 2014


1. Sky News Weather
Tone - Serious, formal
Content (bias) - Weather, not bias
Filmed on Location - Yes
Footage filmed by public - Possibly
Use of graphics - No
Use of sound/music - Voiceover
Breaking story - No
Put together quickly - Yes
Bits missing? - No

Vox-Pops - Various comments from the public

2. Sky News NHS Advert
Tone - Serious
Content (bias) - Both sides
Filmed on Location - Yes
Footage filmed by public - No
Use of graphics - No
Use of sound/music - Music Playing, hospital sound effects
Breaking story - No
Put together quickly - No
Bits missing? -

3. Sky News NHS
Tone - Informative, calmer
Content (bias) - Postive
Filmed on Location - Yes
Footage filmed by public - No
Use of graphics - Yes, text and lines
Use of sound/music - Voiceover
Breaking story - No
Put together quickly - No
Bits missing? - No

4. BBC News US Weather
Tone - Informal/serious
Content (bias) - Negative towards weather
Filmed on Location - Yes
Footage filmed by public - Possibly
Use of graphics - Name pops up (lower third)
Use of sound/music - None
Breaking story - No but recent
Put together quickly - Yes
Bits missing? - No

5. BBC News Jimmy Saville
Tone -
Content (bias) - Interview and old clips
Filmed on Location - Yes
Footage filmed by public - No
Use of graphics - No
Use of sound/music - No
Breaking story - No
Put together quickly - No
Bits missing? - No

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