Tuesday 21 January 2014


Nature and Purpose of Research Techniques
Research can be classified as primary or secondary. For primary research you would find the information yourself, i.e. doing a survey or questionnaire. Secondary research is when you get it from someone else or a source, for example the internet, a book e.t.c.


  • Interviews
  • Surveys
  • Observations
  • Questionnaires
  • Undercover Filming
  • Experiments


  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Websites/Internet
  • Articles
  • Radio
  • Historical Accounts
  • Newspapers
  • Journals/Archives
  • Statistics/Photos
  • Letters/Statements
  • Video
  • CCTV
  • Undercover Filming
  • Social Networking
  • Experiments
  • TV
Quantitive Research - Statistics (facts) i.e. Website views, programme ratings e.t.c.
Qualitative Research - Opinions and Views i.e. Game reviews, product opinions e.t.c.

-What information might a researcher need?
A researcher might need statistics, photographs or video evidence, witness accounts or opinions.
-Why might they conduct research?
They might need to conduct research to support a point, to expand on a point and to find out general information.
-What would a researcher need to consider?
A researcher would need to consider the credibility of the research, so how reliable it is. They would also need to consider wether it is accurate or not.

Applying Research Methods and Techniques
  1. Primary Research
  2. Secondary
  3. Audience
  4. Market
  5. Production
  6. Interpreting Resuts

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