Friday 10 January 2014

Preliminary Ideas

  • Formal news shows focussing on local issues, on at about 6:30pm.
  • Called 'SEC TV News'
  • Target Audience - 18-65
  • Channel - ITV (due to adverts)
  • Group of 4, James, Tom, Sam and myself.
  • 20 minutes, 4 VT's.
  • Job roles: Tom - Director, James - Writer and Presenter, Sam - Producer and Vision Mixer, myself - co-producer and camera man.
I think that this is a strong group, if not the strongest. We all have good experience and produced high quality music videos. Everyone in the group is contributing.

Possible issues:
  • Unexploded WWII shells in Westcliff
  • Canvey Sea Wall partially damaged - Could interview Canvey Island council, especially Ray Howard who has strong links with the Environment Agency.
  • Mother left without heating over Christmas
  • Echo night out with the police
  • Basildon housing problem
  • Rail fare rises
  • Nurses in police stations
Decided Issues:
  • Train fare rises
  • Canvey's damaged sea wall
  • Basildon's housing plans
  • Southbank skatepark
  • January 19th - Research Complete
  • January 26th - Filming Complete
  • January 31st - Edit in Class

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