Monday 6 January 2014

News Show

Submission Requirements:

  • Research scrapbook from research assignment - with added research on news stories included.
  • A Planning Folder per studio group
  • Two VT Inserts – shot and edited
  • A completed rehearsal show and live show recorded
Task 1 - Due 24th March - INDIVIDUALLY EVIDENCE
  • Begin planning news show individually
  • 20 mins in length
  • At least 3 news stories and at least 2 video inserts
  • News stories must be factual
  • Scrapbooks must contain mind maps of ideas, list of contacts and locations, schedule for next 5 weeks, secondary research, primary research, target audience research.
Task 2 - Due 9th Feb - DIVIDE BETWEEN GROUP
  • Plan the live show and include running order, list of job roles, script, mood board, set designs, costume design and floor plans including camera and lighting positions.
Task 3 - Due 9th Feb - INDIVIDUAL/GROUP
  • Shoot and edit at least 2 VT's before the live shows are recorded after half term.
Task 4 - Due 24th March - GROUP/INDIVIDUAL
  • Planning completed, VT's recorded and edited. 
  • Perform an operational roles

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