Friday 30 May 2014

Unit 8 Task 3 Submission

Job Adverts:

  • Short Horror Script Writer - It would be good to apply for this job as it would be a good way to get known for screen writing and if successful, I would be more likely to be employed by other companies. To apply, I need to contact them with a log-line and synopsis, and to be able to do this effectively, I need to be good at writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar. The contract is a one-off, being only required to do this task however there is chance of being contact again by them.
  • Production Assistant - This would be a good job to apply for because they are a good well known company, they have worked with some big artists and they are popular on YouTube. I need to apply through via their advert, and to be good at this job I need to be interested in media production, confident with people and decision making, good at working in a team and reliable. The contract is a two month trial with possible employment at the end.
  • Radio Presenter - I am interested in this job because I will have my own radio show, get trained in radio broadcasting (I have done some before) and it can start a career in media. Having my own show would be very beneficial as my name would get out there more and I would be able to work my way up in the industry. I need to be good at talking, being quirky and engaging, good with members of the public and confident. I apply for this position through via their advert. 
LinkedIn Profile (CV on this site)

Friday 2 May 2014

My Role Week 4 - 28.04.14 - SNN

Group: Becky, Rislene, Sana
Role: Sound

For Becky' group, I had the role of sound technician which I was doing with Nathan. Before we started setting up and doing the rehearsals, I spoke to both Nathan and Sana to talk about the set-up. Nathan had done sound before so he knew what to do and it was Sana's show so I could consult her on what was happening. We decided to use the boom microphones as they were more reliable, rather than risk the clip on mic's. We had a few issues with a buzzing noise however this was quickly sorted out by plugging the XLR cable into a new slot. We did a sound check and adjusted the volume levels and also changed the positioning of the microphones.

During the recordings, I was in charge of the sound levels. I had to turn the off when there was a VT and fade them out at the end. The first recording was stopped half way through however we started a new one in which I resumed this role.

Overall I think that I've performed my roles well. I enjoyed being both in front and behind the camera as I could use different skills and see the production in a different way.