Monday 9 June 2014

Film Analysis

  • Vladimir Propp
--31 stages of a film
--Set Characters
  • Tzvetan Todorov
--Equilibrium (order)
--New Equilibrium
---The equilibrium in Jaws is starting off calm and leading up to a disruptive shark attack. After this, the order is restored with a quiet setting followed by a new equilibrium.
  • Roland Barthes
--A number of codes that we can see in a narrative.
--Enigma Code - A narrative device that teases the audience by representing a puzzle or riddle to be solved. (Represented by the shark in Jaws as we can't guarantee at the start that it is a shark)
--Action Code - A narrative device by which a resolution in produced through action (Shown in Jaws by when they go out to get him but don't kill him until the end.) (
  • Sizmeund Freud
--Id - Desires and Pleasures (bad)
--Ego - Reality (In the middle)
--Superego - Moral, right and wrong (good)
  • Levi Strauss
--A conflict between two parties or terms (Good against Evil, light dark)

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