Tuesday 12 November 2013

Final Cut Pro Sea World Video

I have now finished editing my video on sea world. I have applied different filters, such as colour correction, and have added and changed the audio levels as well as trimming the video clips. As the video is intended to be a positive promo video for the park, I added positive and uplifting music. For some of the clips I slowed them down to make it more emotional and to make the park seem more like a heavenly place. I added text at the start and also end so that viewers know where to visit and what the video is representing.

Exporting the video:

  1. Click on the timeline to select it
  2. Click on file > export > Using QuickTime Conversion
  3. Go to data drive and select your folder. Give the project a title.
  4. Click on options.
  5. Click on settings under video and choose H.264 (compressed). Click ok.
  6. Click on settings under sound. Select the format as AAC. Click ok.
  7. Click on save. The file will then export.
What video editing skills I have learnt:
  • Importing clips and folders
  • Inserting/overwriting clips into the viewer and inserting them into the timeline to watch in the canvas 
  • Applying filters to sound and video clips and slowing down video clips
  • Trimming clips and inserting markers ('i' and 'o'
  • Zooming in and out, using the pen tool, going forward and backwards clips using the tools from the toolbar
  • Editing the audio levels so that they don't go below -12
  • Inserting text and using motion control onto the text
  • Muting or locking one audio channel
  • Playing the clips, in normal speed and fast/slow motion
  • Exporting clips, using the right settings (see above)

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