Saturday 16 November 2013

James Clarke Show - Live TV Broadcast

Our first time in the TV studio consisted of us planning and producing a Jeremy Kyle style show which would be live. Ours was accordingly named after our host, James. We were all assigned roles and mine was the producer and floor manager. The roles consisted of me making sure that people were organised as well as safe. I had to make sure that people knew what they were doing and that the environment was safe, i.e. no loose wires e.t.c
Overall, I think we worked well as a team as the final product came out well with few errors. The batteries didn't have a lot of charge and the cameramen and editors coped well with this. The sound was clear and the actors performed well; they knew what they were doing. I think that I performed well in my role as I spoke to different people and I tried to sort our problems if they arose. 

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