Tuesday 17 September 2013

Formatting a Script

In order to successfully write a script, you should:

  • Use capitals for characters names - When writing dialogue write the characters name above it in capitals. This makes it easier for someone to follow. When writing actions, you should only use capitals when you first introduce a character.
  • Writing in the centre - Characters names should always be in the centre in capitals followed by the dialogue below in normal case.
  • Text - All text should be in the font 'Courier' and in size 12. The font is from the classic typewriter face.
  • Scene Heading - Scene headings are showing in capitals on the left. They either have 'EXT.' for exterior before it or 'INT.' for interior. Scenes are not numbered.
  • Scene description - Scene description should be in lower case and should describe what is happening but only in basic detail. This should be double-spaced below the previous bit. 
  • Transitions - Transitions should be on the right of the page in capital letters. This should be before and after a gap and would usually say 'CUT TO:' or 'FADE TO:'
  • Length - The length of a page should be roughly equal to a minute of screen time.
  • Camera Directions - Camera directions are not included in the script, they will be in a separate one as this could make things confusing.
  • Continuation - When log passages are continued use 'MORE' at the end of it and 'CONTINUED' or 'CONT'd' on the next page.

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