Tuesday 17 September 2013

Storyboard Planning

Storyboards are required to visually show what is going to happen in accordance with the script. Some camera shots are shown as some shots will be moving i.e. on a dolly. Storyboards are divided into frames or cells which show the scene. These are drawn and are not normally in colour, just a sketch. Alongside the main image, we can see details of the scene.

These might include the shot number, which will basically number your frames, what type of shot it is, so close up, medium e.t.c, a description of the shot which will explain what is happening, the location of where it is being filmed and what actors are required, what sounds there will be, including the voice of the actors and also dubbed in sounds, any edits or transitions for the shot, i.e. colour correction or a fade out to black and also the duration of the shot which will normally be short. My storyboard can be seen below:

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