Saturday 19 October 2013

Character Creation Brainstorming

Title: Identity

Genre: Romance

Idea: When an undercover reporter who is serving as a police officer, goes to a victims house, he is unaware about his feelings towards her. Going on several dates, Amelia and Jake become close as Jake has filled a gap from Amelia's distant family. When Amelia becomes paranoid, she regrets investigating more about Jake as she finds out he isn't the police officer she thought he was. The couple split up and Jake is featured on newspapers as an undercover scandal who actually fell in love.

Jake Smith - Police Officer
Amelia Glass - Victim

Genre: Romance

Audience: 20 - 30's

Title: Identity

Location; Thorpe Bay, Essex

Brief Description:

Amelia thinks she has fallen in love with a police man but little does she know he really is a undercover reporter.

Scene 1: Audience will be finding out about Jake Smith and what he does for a living

Scene 2: Audience will be finding out about Amelia Glass

Scene 3: Amelia and Jake meet at Amelia's house because he will be interviewing her to see if she was involved in the incident

Scene 4: Amelia and Jake began to go on a few's dates and the more dates that went on the more they began to like each other

Scene 5: As they finally began serious and moved in together, they was a question worrying over Amelia's head which was that Jake is hiding something.

Scene 6: Amelia was so on edge and scared of what it could be she finally got the courage to confront him

Scene 7: Jake freaks out and runs away

Scene 8: Amelia follows Jake because she wants to find out the truth

Scene 9: Amelia find out however she doesn't want to believe it

Scene 10: The pair of them have a really deep conversation about everything that has happened which in the end they decide to go separate away because Amelia will never be able to trust him again.


Life is on the up for a girl neglected by her family as she finds the man of her dreams. Falling in love, she is unaware of his true identity.

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