Tuesday 22 October 2013

Final Cut Pro Lesson 1 Review

1.    Name 3 ways to open final cut pro
-       Click on Final Cut Pro (dock)
-       Open an existing file
-       Go to Mac Studio on the desktop
2.    What are the 4 modifier keys?
-       Command
-       Shift
-       Option (alt)
-       Control
3. How do you get to the shortcut menu?
- Control and click (right click)
4.    In what main menu can you find the import command?
- File
5.    Identify 3 ways to open a clip in the viewer.
-       Double click the clip
-       Drag the Clip
-       Right clip then open in viewer
6.    Beside clicking on the play button, how can you play the sequence?
- Space bar
7.    Which keys on the keyboard move the play-head backwards or forwards 1 frame at a time?
- Left and right arrow keys
8.    How do you mark an in or an out point on a clip?
- Press the marker buttons below the clip in the viewer (I and O)
9.    What button in the canvas window do you click on to insert/edit a clip?
- Yellow button
10.  What visual indicator in the viewer lets you know whether you are on the first frame or the last frame?
- Film strip (viewer) or an 'L' in the canvas
11.  Identify 3 ways to create a bin.
-       Right click and new bin
-       File new bin
-       Command B
12.  What are the keyboard shortcuts to save, hide and quit Final Cut Pro?
-       Command S
-       Command H
-       And command Q

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