Monday 7 October 2013

Regulatory Bodies

Regulatory bodies are required by law and decide if the film is appropriate and if it is, to what age group. Different countries have different rules however the American and British regulations are the most well known.

BBFC - British Board of Film Classification

In order to protect children from unsuitable and even harmful content in films and videos and to give consumers information they might need about a particular film or video before deciding whether or not to view it, the BBFC examines and age rates films and videos before they are released. This independent scrutiny prior to release ensures the highest possible level of protection and empowerment. We watch films and videos all the way through and award an age rating and insight to each one. We reach an age rating by applying the standards and criteria contained in our Classification Guidelines which can be downloaded below. 

Typically, two examiners view a film for theatrical release. In most cases a Senior Examiner will confirm the examiners’ recommendation. But if the Examiners are in any doubt or fail to agree, or if important policy issues are involved, the work may be seen by other members of the board. The same process exists for DVDs and Blu-rays though generally these are seen by one Examiner.
We look at issues such as discrimination, drugs, horror, dangerous and easily imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex, and violence when making decisions. The theme of the work is also an important consideration. We also consider context, the tone and likely impact of a work on the potential audience.
The release format of a work has an impact on classification. Our decisions on the age rating of DVDs and Blu-rays can occasionally be stricter than at the cinema because there is a higher risk of underage viewing in the home and a greater potential for watching scenes out of context. - All information from BBFC Website.

Ofcom is the communications regulator. They regulate the TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate. They make sure that people in the UK get the best from their communications services and are protected from scams and sharp practices, while ensuring that competition can thrive.

Ofcom operates under the Communications Act 2003. This detailed Act of Parliament spells out exactly what Ofcom should do – they can do no more or no less than is spelt out in the Act. The Act says that Ofcom’s general duties should be to further the interests of citizens and of consumers. Meeting these two duties is at the heart of everything we do. Their main legal duties are to ensure:

  • The UK has a wide range of electronic communications services, including high-speed services such as broadband;
  • A wide range of high-quality television and radio programmes are provided, appealing to a range of tastes and interests;
  • Television and radio services are provided by a range of different organisations;
  • People who watch television and listen to the radio are protected from harmful or offensive material;
  • People are protected from being treated unfairly in television and radio programmes, and from having their privacy invaded. - All information from OFCOM website.

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