Tuesday 1 October 2013

Location Recce

A location recce is the title role of the the person who is responsible for finding the right location and also getting the correct rights to film there. Some of the things that they need to consider when filming is:
  • Do you have permission to use it? - If not then another location should be used however if they can use it then they need to find out other details.
  • Cost - You would need to know how much it is to use and also how long you can film at the location.
  • Risk Assessment - How safe is the location, is it abandoned, does it have dodgy gas supplies, does it house any harmful chemicals and are there one alarms/sprinklers? e.t.c
  • Licenses - Are any licenses required for filming on the location, i.e. permission to be there, permission for others.
  • Landmarks - If you are disguising a location, are there any landmarks visible?
  • Crow Control - Do you need to clear an area for filming or temporarily block a road?
  • Vehicle Access - If you need to get trailers or a lot of people to the location can this be done easily?
  • Sound - For diegetic sound, is there any airports, train stations or main roads nearby? Also what is the terrain i.e. wooden floor, glass, concrete.
  • Tides/boats - If filming out at sea, when will it be high/low tide and also how many (if any) boats are required.
  • Electricity - Is there an electric supply there for lighting and cameras? 
  • Accommodation - Are there any catering companies or hotels in close proximity to your location?
  • Lighting - What natural light is available and what lighting equipment needs to be added?
  • Toilet Access - You would need to have toilets close to location especially if you are filming there for long periods of time.
  • Size of location - How much equipment and how many cameras can you have on set at one time?
  • Secure place for equipment - Is there a secure place to leave equipment ?
  • Cables - Will there be loads of cables or is there something to cover them?
  • Background music - Any PA systems or public events going on.
  • Backgrounds - Is the back ground appropriate - any adverts or anything.

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