Monday 7 October 2013

Floor Plan

House floor layout ^

Exterior layout:

An ideal location would be one that has multiple facilities nearby such as houses/flats, a pub e.t.c An example of this would be the street set at Wimbledon Film and Television Studios. The street set includes houses, shops and a pub to create a realistic environment. You can go in all of the buildings apart from the ones straight on. A cash machine and also phone box is also available.

A good idea for a drama here would be a 'neighbour' style idea with the neighbours being a pain to each other. This would work well and also the shops opposite could be a working location for them. This would be ideal to film. The pub would play a big role as that would be where a lot of the people socialise. The road is also a good idea as it is in a film studio and so you wouldn't have to block public roads. 

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