Monday 10 February 2014

A Working Day Beat Sheet

The Blake Snyder beat sheet shows the stages of a film with rough timings. We were asked to do a beat sheet for our own scripts.

  1. Opening Image (1)
  2. Theme Started (5)
  3. Set-Up (1-10) - Character in depth
  4. Catalyst (12) - Story kicks off
  5. Debate (12-25) - Hero is torn between two things
  6. Break into Two (25) - Act 2 (1, 2, 3 - start, middle, end)
  7. B Story (30) - Second background story
  8. Fun and Games (30-55) - Main reason of film
  9. Midpoint (55) - Middle of second act
  10. Bad Guys Close In (55-75) - Villains get their role
  11. All is Lost (75) - People die, bad things happen
  12. Dark Night of the Soul (75-85) - Hero deals with it
  13. Break into Three (85) - 3rd Act
  14. Finale (85-110) - Problem Solved
  15. Final Image (110) 

Project Title: A Working Day
Genre: Musical
  1. Opening Image - Sun rise and time lapses of people arriving for work in London. Streets and roads becoming more busy. This introduces London as the setting, focussing on a business environment.
  2. Theme Stated - Musical, old man making most out of life. He loves to sing and doesn't want to lived in a boring world.
  3. Set Up - Explores Sam at work. We see how Sam is in a serious business/office environment. Sam is still singing and enjoys being quirky.
  4. Catalyst - Sam preparing for a big business pitch. He has the task of preparing presentations and contacting people. His boss and key colleagues are introduced.
  5. Debate - Sam torn between work and relationships between colleagues. He doesn't want to make a decision that either the business or his crush doesn't like. He likes both a lot.
  6. Break into Two - Company preparing more for the pitch, meeting clients in restaurants. Sam has to meet clients and talk with them. Again, Sam can't resist not singing.
  7. B Story - Sam exploring a relationship with a colleague. They become closer.
  8. Fun and Games - Pitch to company starts, people are stressful and Sam is told that he won't be directly involved in the pitch. He is upset.
  9. Midpoint - Pitch continues, people are still on edge. Sam is preparing more work and is still singing/dancing. This is annoying the boss and colleagues who are completing the pitch.
  10. Bad Guys Close In - Pitch doesn't go as well, starts to go downhill, partially due to Sam as they think he is deliberately doing it to wind him up.
  11. All is Lost - Signal is lost with other company. 
  12. Dark Night of the Soul - Sam gets internet signal back up, much to the delight of his company and the other. The other company talks with him via video link. He comes across lively and is liked.
  13. Break into Three - Company accept pitch, mini celebration in office, Sam praised.
  14. Finale - Business party in  Southend, Sam is close with the female he likes. 
  15. Final Image - Night time, Sam is now in a relationship with his colleague, a song and dance with the luminous lights rounds off the film/

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