Wednesday 5 February 2014

Job Roles & Contingency Plan

 Tom Davis
Producer 1
 Sam Murray
Producer 2
 Joe Mander
 James Clarke
 Sana Hufthy
Runner 1
 Risline Oukili
Runner 2
 Becky Harvey
Runner 3
 David Semple
Floor Manager
 Harrison Atkins-Swallow
Set Design
 Joe, James, Tom, Sam
Vision Mixer
 Sam Murray
News Reader
 James Clarke
Cam 1
 Joe Mander
Cam 2
 Briana Santiago
Lighting 1
 Charlie Johnson
Lighting 2
 Emily Tozer
Sound 1
 Nathan Bull
Sound 2
 Alice Berry
TV Control
 Dan Hewitt
Roles decided as a group.

Contingency Plan
For the contingency plan, I started by writing the plans for if the cast/crew were ill. This was fairly easy to do for the crew however the casting was harder as the person would need to know the lines and would need to be comfortable saying them. I put a member of our group in as the 'back-up' member as we are all confident in what is happening and we have all seen the script. After this I then decided on the potential technical issues that could go wrong.

Love Show Contingency Plan (Done by myself)

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