Monday 17 March 2014

Character Dialogue Styles

Debbie (17, sarcastic, student, trendy)
- Look, just get out. Now.
- I like you. I really like you.
- This is rubbish, is something else on?

Gladys (52, educated, bored, doesn't need to work)
- Look, can you leave please.
- I think I've developed feelings for you.
- How much longer has this got left?

Barney (5, cheerful, confused)
- Where's my toy gone?
- It's really nice mummy.
- Eh?

Dale (35, FBI agent)
- Where did you put? Don't lie, I know you have it.
- Mm, this meal is lovely!
- Right…okay.

I found this task interesting I liked exploring how different people speak and how a 52 year old would speak different from a 35 year old.

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