Sunday 9 March 2014

Practising for my Roles

My roles:
(1)My Group - Producer/Cameraman
(2)Charlie's Group - Co-Host
(3)Briana's Group - Host
(4)Becky's Group - Sound

I am happy with the roles that I am doing as they are quite different. I am happy to be host and co-host however it could be challenging if the auto-cues were to not work as I would have to improvise live and it's myself in front of the camera, not the behind the scenes people.


  1. To practise for this I have checked the script for where the host is situated so I know when my camera is live. In rehearsals I have also liaised with the vision mixer to give a count down to when the host is going live. In rehearsals and the main recording, I will have a copy of the script and running order so that I know who is going to be where and when.
  2. To practise for this, I have read the script of what I've got to do and I've also spoken with Sana (who I'm co-hosting with) so that we are comfortable with each other and so that we know what to do. I have also practised reading off a Teleprompter. I have also liaised with Charlie about getting changed.
  3. For Briana's group, I have made myself familiar with the script as well as tweaking it with her. I have read the script fully several times on a Teleprompter so that I am familiar with it. I'm about unsure about the piece on Southend airport as it's quite long.
  4. I have practised with Nathan the setting up of the clip on microphones as well as the boom microphone. This worked well however sometimes the batteries weren't available for the clip on mic's.

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