Wednesday 19 March 2014

My Role Performance Week 1 - 17.03.14 EMC News

Group: Charlie, Harrison, Dan and David
Role: Host

This was the first live show recording that we had done and the first show/rehearsal with the auto cue's up and running. I wore my 'outfit' which was a suit as I was the host and had to look smart. I was presented with the script on Monday morning (although I had seen it before) so I was able to read this throughout the day.

When we entered the TV studio, I helped the others to set up. As I was host, there wasn't a lot I could do until rehearsals so I helped moved the chairs, put the cushions on the sofa and spoke to people about whether or not they needed help. I had my microphone on which was changed after the sound check as it wasn't working well. We had three rehearsals with the last one going better. The first one wasn't really a rehearsal, Harrison checked how to work the auto cue and tested the pace that me and Sana had to read at. This went a bit wrong in the second rehearsal, which was the first 'main' one. The auto cue paused at times and went too fast at other times. Me and Sana had to improvise. We thought this was important as we would have to just carry on during the main recording. We also got a taste of the timings and layout. We knew roughly how long to talk for and what to do and when. I thought the group was very organised and subsequently went very well.

I felt comfortable during the rehearsals and main recording. I was a bit wary before we started as this was going to be the first main recording and the cameras were all on me! I got feedback after the rehearsals which were mainly good apart from a couple of improvements. The main recording went very well and I was happy with the final result (although I haven't seen the recorded version).

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