Tuesday 25 March 2014

My Role & Group Performance Week 2 - 24.03.14 South Essex News

Group: Me, Sam, Tom & James
Role: Camera Man/Producer

Today it was the production for my group, South Essex News (SEN). I was a producer and also camera man. We have three full rehearsals and 4 weather rehearsals. As part of my role of producer, I had to make sure that everyone was organised. I started by printing off the scripts and also the check-list for Paul. James collected these sheets as he didn't have a job to do at the time (he was host). Once they were handed out, I printed out some more scripts with the breaking news section on it. James hadn't see this and wasn't allowed until he was saying it live. I had to prepare the breaking news article the night before; I also sent Sana the weather bluescreen background and script the previous night as she would need to know where to move her hands in sync with the background.

Breaking News:
We are currently receiving some breaking news about a gas leak in Southchurch. Fire-fighters are at the scene currently and have evacuated seven people and have stopped access to Ely Road. It's reported that a gas main has been damaged in someone's garden, with reports suggesting that a resident accidently damaged it. We will keep you up to date about further developments on that.

I thought the rehearsals went well considering they were only rehearsals and they were the first full ones for a month or so. We made the decision to only use the background with 'SEN' on as this was easier for Sam on the vision mixer and it still looked effective. During rehearsals I only made one mistake, this was putting the camera back down after the weather (as Sana was standing up and James was sitting at a desk) however I moved it back as soon as I saw it was wrong. Once we had the full rehearsals we changed a bit of the TV display. We also did about 4 weather rehearsals afterwards as the auto cue wasn't in time with the background video which meant Sana wasn't in time. We tried this differently with me giving Sana a countdown, telling her when to hurry up or slow down e.t.c We were running out of time so we had to go into the main show.

The main show went very well. James said the lines properly including the breaking news which he hadn't seen. Sana also spoke in time with the bluecreen background and Sam paused it on the vision mixer. As camera man, I adjusted the camera, followed the script with what the host was saying, I told the runners when to move the table and Dan when to change to 'Breaking News', I communicated with Nathan and Sam using the headsets and was able to give James and Sana a countdown and tell them how long they had left before the VT ended and also when to speak. This went well and was in time.

Everyone in the group performed well however Charlie wasn't in for the show and Alice was only in for the first half. We looked at the contingency plan and Becky (who was originally a runner), took over Charlie's job which she did really well and Nathan controlled the sound.

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